ANNOUNCING RIG University Nigeria!

with FREE Registration 

That's right, Nigeria. RIG University Nigeria will be available at NO COST to you! 


The class schedule will be ONE Monday per month.

  • May 1st

  • June 5th

  • July 3rd

  • August 7th

  • September 4th

  • October 2nd


Apostle Tomi will be teaching LIVE via ZOOM. Only registered students will have access to the link to join.

7pm - 10pm WAT



6 weeks of training and activation in both the Prophetic and Apostolic.

School of Apostles and Prophets

RIG Nation's School of Apostles and Prophets (SOAP) started in 2007 with a mission to 'train people to be prophets and prophets to be people'. The SOAP curriculum includes the Prophetic Masterclass, Train the Trainer Course, and Ministers in Training Course. Additionally, Tomi filmed over 100 training videos which are now called Prophetic Academy and are available to all RIG Financial Partners.

We believe the apostolic and prophetic mandate is to Pioneer, Transform and Occupy in order to establish God's Kingdom agenda in the Nations.


Tomi Arayomi is an internationally recognized prophet with more than 20 years experience in prophetic ministry. His desire is to bring forth the authenticity and integrity of the prophetic and its power to change lives all over the world.

Register Now

The Prophetic Masterclass is a new wineskin company of prophets. The prophets and apostles are the foundation of the church. Viral is the new Revival. We gather so we can have a worldwide impact. People from every nation coming together to be equipped to change their nation.

This Prophetic Masterclass will impart a fresh ability to hear from the Lord and give you tools necessary to minister effectively for this season.

There is an awakening in the body of Christ to become a part of the army of the Lord. You will be activated to take territory. The assignment is occupation until the Lord returns. It is time for you to occupy your calling, destiny, city, and nation. It is time for your voice to rise and call for others to take their Kingdom occupations as prophets, apostles, evangelists, and teachers.

It is time for us to be bold, excellent, and moving in faith. The Masterclass provides you with a mentor to support and encourage you as you journey into the prophetic. Our incredible times together will challenge you, equip you and connect you to a global family.


Count me in!